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What are the prices for keratoconus lenses?
Is there a reimbursement for keratoconus lenses?
For keratoconus lenses, you can go to the Keractonus Center in the Netherlands. Keratoconus is caused by a local thinning in the cornea. At this thinning, the cornea bulges locally and forms a cone. This can lead to less good vision, sometimes double vision in one eye and it can result in high light sensitivity in the eyes. Keratoconus lenses are then the most suitable optical aids, because these so-called scleral lenses tackle the problem at the source.
scleral lenses
Due to the higher oxygen permeability of the new lens materials and the better fits, scleral lenses are very suitable for the correction of keratoconus. As a result, this lens type has become increasingly popular in recent years. Lathes and the controlling software can run increasingly complex patterns. Scleral lenses with Conepower technology are one of a kind. This type of scleral lens not only improves vision, but also contrast sensitivity. Scleral lenses with Conepower technology are unique in their kind and only available at the Keratoconus Center in the Netherlands.
Keratoconus lenses reimbursement
The prices for keratoconus lenses are difficult to give here, because it is always custom made. Please do not hesitate to contact us for the prices of these lenses at the Keractonus Center in the Netherlands. But did you know that contact lenses on medical indication are reimbursed by most health insurers? That is the case if:
- The disorder is the result of a medical condition or trauma
- You get a better visual acuity or quality of vision with the lenses than with spectacle lenses (medically and/or demonstrably substantiated)
- The insured has had surgery on one or both eyes because of a lens defect
When do you receive a keratoconus lens reimbursement?
You will usually receive a keratoconus lens reimbursement if you meet the following conditions:
- You have a referral from your ophthalmologist
- You have permission for the first supply of scleral lenses with or without vision correction from the basic insurance.
Information about prices and reimbursement for keratoconus lenses
We can of course provide you with excellent advice about the how and why of a reimbursement for keratoconus lenses. Please do not hesitate to contact us.